Business English Day: Language Barriers in International Bids?

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Fecha(s) - 18/10/2013
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Centro de Emprendedores

Categorías No Categorías

To get an effective communication you must be strategically coherent, conceptually simple and formally different.  You care for your message in your own laguage, but what happens when you have to do business in a foreingn language?

In a few hours you will analyse the documents needed for a company to bid abroad, the relevant costs, the language barriers in this context and the benefits of communicating your product or ideas correctly, always with the mediation of real professional translators and interpreters.

SpeakerVeronica Gonzalez2

Verónica González. English sworn translator authorised by the Spanish Foreing Affairs Ministry and University Teacher at th Intellectual Property Masters’s Degree in Alicante.  English-Spanish Conference Interpreter and businesswoman. Over 15 year of experience as a  professional translator.  General Manager of TRAYMA, traslation company


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